
The long story...

Whether you've seen the picture or not... the damaged toe in the picture below was caused by a momentary distraction.

So, I have a sliding door.
It turns out that with a bit of ingenuity this door will support 2 window fans.
One on the bottom, one on the top.
The one on the top is held in place by a bar that holds the sliding door tight against the fan.

On August 28th I was putting the fans in place as I have done dozens of times before.

And smash.
The fan fell 4 feet on to... my... foot.
Specifically the second toe on my right foot.

After a silent scream and nearly passing out twice I got the blood to stop dripping and everything was wrapped up in tissues and socks.

Now I suffer as I recover.
But today went well, and the toe hurts less every day.

But still...




An ode to my toe.

Poor toe.
Didn't deserve it.

I didn't either.

This level of pain
is clearly uncalled for, right?
Now I can't walk right.


Wow, it's been a long time...

Hi blog.
I know I don't post often.
I'm sorry.

It's all my fault.

I feel inspired though, so here we go.

I just happened to step outside and I noticed something.

I lived in California for a long time. The nights there were quiet. This evening I stepped outside around 9pm and I noticed how loud the world was. There were frogs, crickets, and various other animal noises coming from everywhere.

Most of the time I think how nice it would be to move back to California, but every now and then I notice the cool things about living in Minnesota. Things like the loud night. I love that there is so much natural noise happening around me at night. The frogs. The bugs. Their symphony of the night is something I will miss when I move back out west.

I don't know when I'll move back... but I still want to.

For now, I'll just continue to enjoy myself here. Because the land of 10,000 lakes really does have a whole lot to enjoy.

I'll talk to you later blog.
(I hope you don't hate me for neglecting you.)